• Slide 7

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    The Orphans whose parents were buried alive here in Mwenga territory by CKRT

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About Us


What We Believe

We believe any model designed to help women must include a reduction in maternal and infant mortality,education, advocacy and the elimination of child marriages.

Our Work in D. R.Congo

We educate,train and are establishing a network of skilled midwives to work in rural areas.We also strenght capacities at local hospitals. Our goals are to reduce maternal and infant mortality in keeping with UN Millennium Development Goals as well as provide dignity to the almost 2 million women who have been raped.Finally we seek to empower women through our Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Program WELP and by advocating against Female Genital Mutilation.We pride ourselves in been a green evidence based company.

Our Work in Jamaica

Help the Ministry of Health reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality by training primary doctors,nurses and midwives.

Support Spanish Town Hospital and the University Hospital of the West Indies.

Our Work in Somaliland, Launch Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation.

Our Work in Homestead, Florida City and Naranja USA

Help reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality by training pregnant  mothers the Importance  of Breast Feeding,Nutrition and the Importance of Early  and Sustained Prenatal Visits.


Meet The Board

  • Lorna Owens
  • Shaloma Shawmut-Lessner
  • Marcia Narine Esq


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